public class UnitTest { public static void main() { StudentDB csci111 = new StudentDB(); for (int i=1; i<= 4; i++) { csci111.readAndAddRecord(); } System.out.format("%nInitial class roll%n"); csci111.printCourse(); StudentRecord outVal; System.out.format("%nDelete second record. Record is %n"); outVal = csci111.remove(1); outVal.printRecord(); System.out.format("%nCourse now contains:%n"); csci111.printCourse(); StudentRecord fred = new StudentRecord("Fred Smith", "CS", 2.5); System.out.format("%nInsert fred's record after first%n"); System.out.format("& change the thrid to jane's record%n"); csci111.add(1, fred); csci111.set(2, new StudentRecord("Jane Jones", "EE", 3.5)); csci111.printCourse(); System.out.format("%nPrint out the second record%n"); StudentRecord temp = csci111.get(1); temp.printRecord(); } }